Monday, 19 December 2011

Elle Beauty Breakthrough Competition: The Future Starts Here

Elle Jan 2012 Issue Goes Gaga and yes the future does start here, in more ways then one!
As most of you already know, back in October I applied for the Elle Beauty Breakthrough competition to potentially win a year long paid internship at Elle HQ and PZ Cussons Pr as well.

Out of 475 applicants, I am very proud and honoured to say that I made the final twenty. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that voted for me as well as the panel of judges who also believed in my talent.

Meeting the panel was definitely the highlight of my journey in the competition. Walking in to a room filled with accomplished, successful and such humble women left me with strong feeling of female empowerment (Beyonce was not lying when she said that we run the world). I left that room feeling like I could be anything I wanted to be (although, I was a bag of nerves for the most part). Meeting Jennifer Dickison and the Pr Cussons and Head Pr team, made my dreams of wanting to work for a publication like Elle, all the more real. My dreams at that moment in time no longer felt like a distant bubble, they felt real, possible and more importantly achievable.

This competition has definitely taught me some life lessons that I will never forget and cherish throughout the rest of my career in the industry:

1. Always believe in yourself, if you don't no one else will!
2. Take risks and don't be scared of failure, you have nothing to lose!
3. That its really not all about winning, it is the taking part the counts! I know that I have what it takes but I also know that I need to grow, so when its my time is here, I will be the best I can possibly be!

Although, I didn't win the prize, I won in other ways.I overcame my nerves. I met some amazing people who have inspired me with their presence. The most exciting thing is that Jennifer Dickision, Elle's Acting Editor, knows who I am (I still can't get my head around this fact), and tweeted this about me:
This has to be my favourite Tweet of all time!

I also got this Fab Goody Bag that I was given filled with Charles Worthington,St Tropez and Sanctuary products!

The Moral of this blog post is believe in your dreams, reach for stars (as cliche as it sounds)and never limit yourself because you never know what you are capable of achieving. I am just starting my journey in to the Fashion & Beauty industry and I know it is going to take alot of hard work and dedication to get to where I want to be in life. But I will get there. If this competition has done anything for me, it has most definitely left me more hungry, determined and focused towards reaching my goals.

2012 will be my year. My Future starts here and so does yours!

Lets Make One New Years Resolution this year to become the best version of ourselves that we can possibly be!

Once again thank you for your support

Lots of Love

Sue Chanel xoxo ...Elle Girl in the making

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